Contractors and Freelancers

If you’re a contractor or freelancer we can maximise your income, minimise your liabilities, and deal directly with HMRC so you don’t have to.

Whether you are an IT contractor, engineer, offshore worker, or consultancy service, our team are ready to help. We’ll be there throughout the year to provide on-going support, look after your accounts, and put you on a firm financial footing.

At the outset our team will explain all the implications of being self-employed versus employed, and help you choose the best option for your particular circumstances.

Our experience comes in understanding how HM Revenue and Customs are likely to interpret the rules in your particular case. This isn’t always straightforward so hiring a professional can save your hours of worry and frustration – not to mention tax.

We can also recommend a suitable online accountancy package to make life easier.

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Phone us on 01892 891902 or contact us to talk about your financial plans